IE.F Managing Director Clark Parsons will be joining the Open Hybrid Cloud Round Table as a Keynote Speaker to debate how open standards and interoperability can enable a multi-vendor cloud market.
Source: OpenForum Europe
Graham Taylor (Chairman of OpenForum Europe) together with Clark Parsons, Pierre Chastanet (Head of Unit, Cloud Unit at DG CNCT) and Daniel Melin (Swedish National Procurement Services) will discuss the advantages and challenges associated with interoperability in the cloud market as well as the European Commission's policy goals in this field.
The Open Hybrid Cloud Round Table will take place on February 28 from 12 pm at Arts 56 (Avenue des Arts 56, Brussels 1000).
12 pm: Light lunch
1 pm: Start of the panels, with a short introduction by the moderator and speakers followed by a moderated discussion
2:30 pm: Event concludes with opportunity to continue discussions
Find more information on the event below: